
From Python

To use pyatlonajuno in a project:

from pyatlonajuno.lib import Juno451
j = Juno451(username="...", password="...", host="...")

Example from ipython:

In [6]: j.getPowerState()
Out[6]: 'off'

In [7]: j.setPowerState("on")
Out[7]: 'PWON'

In [8]: j.setSource(1)
Out[8]: 1

In [9]: j.setPowerState("off")
Out[9]: 'PWOFF'

CLI Utility

Help text showing how to use the command line utility:

08:44 $ pyatlonajuno --help
Usage: pyatlonajuno [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Juno451 CLI.

This cli is for controling the Atlona Juno 451 HDMI switch.

--username TEXT
--password TEXT
--hostname TEXT
--port INTEGER
--debug / --no-debug
--timeout INTEGER     Seconds to wait for telnet responses
--help                Show this message and exit.

getinputstate  Get the connection status of the four inputs,...
getpowerstate  Determine if the Juno is currently powered up
getsource      Get the currently active input
setpowerstate  Turn the Juno on or off
setsource      Select an input

08:47 $ pyatlonajuno setpowerstate --help
Usage: pyatlonajuno setpowerstate [OPTIONS]

Turn the Juno on or off

--state [on|off]  [required]
--help            Show this message and exit.

08:47 $ pyatlonajuno setsource --help
Usage: pyatlonajuno setsource [OPTIONS]

Select an input

--source [1|2|3|4]  [required]
--help              Show this message and exit.